Monday, June 10, 2013

more fun with dogs on holidays pt 2

Axe me my pinion bout itand there’s one food stuff we absolutely one hunnerd percent must not even think of at all cutting back on at all. The pro cat conspiracy naturally does not agree with me and is spreading already in this day an age vicious rumbas.
In a effort to set the record straight then we mush proceed. And therefore let us go forward with the most extreme case. I was over my friend Mikes house. He’s a good catholic and has never been known to sin without great remorse - which makes him a good test subject. We was in his kitchen when I noticed that the blender was filled with a yellowish fluid and appeared to have the paw opf a cat sticking out the top.
Michael” I said, “What have you done?” At fust he looked innocent like but in a few second he broke out to a big wide wicked grin.
I like ‘em raw” he said.
Sure,” I said, “a little cat sushi never hurt one, but yo got the paws and every thin and who knows what da what da what dem paws……been walking on.”
Mike didn’t say nothing. He just acted like he was considering what I had said. Serious like. You know.
And there’s that cat brain fever you gots to bile the brains udderwise they releases chemicals!”
Then as if to emphasize the awesome gravity and synchronicity of the situation a cats floated up against the blenders side an looked right at Micheal. It’s wasn’t angry or vengeful.
It was beyond those sort of considerations, IT was like it said “I’ll get you sucker if it takes a million years.”

It’s like my momma used to say “ALF, there’s three things to thing on when eating,. You gotta cook your food, you gotta chew your food and you gotta know where your food comefrom.
Be it a gumbo, a ratatuie, a cat kabob or just fried cat flanks theres no excuse for failure to properly prepare this all American favorite - Wild cat stew.
It’s easy, It’s fun and it’s delicious
If you’re ina hurry you chop off the head firgt, otherwise you skin the cat. Most people find the legs a little gamey]]]]]]]Policy Statement. So they can be chopped off too., Then you take out the insides – the heart, the lungs, the stomach etc and you wash the carcass down with salty water.
What I like to do personally is let the cat meat soak in cold salty water over night, but that’s not necessary. Take yer taters too, cut them into one inch square cubes and then soak them in water for between one to three hours.
Place the vegetable in where the belly would be, put a quarter inch of peanut oil in the pan, add garlic and salt and pepper to taste and cook at 350 degrees for about fifty minutes. Times vary. The recipe itself has many variations. Some like strips of bacon strips wrapped around it others like[cheese.

& Don’t throw away them legs just yet – next week we go to the barbe –Q!

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