Friday, January 27, 2012

lively is as lively does

Trying to break out of the doldrums - as is indicated in the following post a return to the classic  Tamlinmediaco , as hosted by Tamlin the ELF and ALF the Alien and their many friends  just isn't in the cards.

    It seemed to be a great idea - cutting edge- the new fiction - but you know, I'd rather have gotten  paid for it.
The following is kinda outre' - but it deserves to be said anyway.  I think it may even be true that basically we have a lot of refridgerator salesmen masquerading as content creators - they are all forever announcing new initiatives and new ways of people communicating and there's nothing yet  that I can see that replaces a few people just sitting over a table and talking -
             Plus the aspects of the loss of freedom are growing more terrifying as the years  you by.  People don't know how to fight back and what is worse  - I don't think they are aware even what is being lost.

         Like I've said a lot of times though - it's about the rock and roll and in my case as a maker  - jeez I could go on for a long time doing this - and so the difficulties, such as they are, in terms of  having a go at this website - are almost entirely  psychological.    I'm trying to get enthused but you know the case of the lawyer who finds if anything he's over qualified for most of the work that's out there. And I've spent so long making myself unique I am a little afraid that I have succeeded too well!
                  There's a touch of hubris here admittedly

     here's from last night

Fifteen men on a dead man's chest
       Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum
Drink and the divel have done all the rest
    Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum

           Hi, this is Glenn.  My old pal Al used to to say when things aren't  cookin' try something new - so thats what  I'll do.
        It seems like, for now at least ALF and Tamlin have run their course.  I don't know if you have ever read "Tom Sawyer, Boy Detective" by Sam Clemens but take my advice - don't.  It's terrible and sometimes these things happen. Like a love affair that you'd pay any price to get back to where it was an authors relationship with his character is something he has little control over.  Besides which ten years is a good stretch.
          To repeat myself I don't know why the wells gone dry but it has.  I could do the Tamlin thing a little easier - just by pretending to be an academic, but ALF is the most difficult character I've ever worked with. Basically ALF only talks honestly to the Lord and that's because the lord scares the hell out of him.  And he doesn't really have much use for us.

              I just thank God, I suppose that I don't feel the inclination to animate the dead corpse of a character who's left the building.

            These things having been said this means I will certainly be adopting a more direct style. Interestingly enough I think this will enable me to put some distance between my pronouncements and others assement of my mental fascilities. In the past I bent over backwards to appear friendly, accessible and one of the guys. There were those who, sadistic bastards as they are, could not resist kicking the friendly dog.

        To clarify, it was easy for readers to take the pose of simplicity I presented as the  actual person. I'll put this in the form of a joke I've told a thousand times. I would go out on dates with middle class goldigger and small minded bourgies and  in the course of the date I would  assume a very shy pose and say "I guess I have to tell you - I don't really have a job"  ( This joke is probably out of date now that so many are actually unemployed)
     And upon the delivery of the punch line you'd see the  girls face drop because she now realized I was "not boyfriend material" - the fact that I lived a life quite different from the norm didn't register with these gals. They had a one track mind and I was obligated in a way to reveal it.

         So I say the fatal line, the wall of eternal seperation drops between us and then I wait a bit and say "There, I've said it "

       By this time the girl knows she's dealing with a creep and might, for instance, excuse herself to go to the ladies room  - and never return.

       It's a joke that in time I've recognized has a perverse aspect to it. On the other hand I wouldn't want to fool someone into an affair under false pretenses.   I come from Long Island. It is not a place known for fair dealing and honesty.  The married men pretend they are single and the single ones pretend they are married.

        Many a single guy carries a wedding ring because he knows it triggers the fck me response in females. And of course theres the guy with the rented automobile who allegedly owns five companies (heh heh) And the ever present suffering mommas boy who needs a gram of cocaine  to forget the pain of having too much money. etc.

    As W.C.Handy would say "If Beale Street could talk".....

   I have to  be honest though. Personally writing about myself seems nearly impossible. I wouldn't read it. I'd be too bored. What seems on the agenda then is a very straight forward kinds approach.  Many of the subjects of the past ten years are still around  and I believe I have a different perspective on them. For one thing I no longer view many things in the world as solvable by a single decision.

    The recent essays seem modeled somewhat on the work of Steven Gould who used to write for Scientic American.  Few would suggest that the evolution of species would be impacted upon by the result of a national election campaign. If anything it's the other way around.

    Perhaps this is what is meant by being on the right side of history/

Glenn Schaefer
Woodstock, NY

distort me mirror and blank blatter shatter
role the knife that cuts time at the end of an ancient thread

polay no games with my death!

            words  end

            with the coming of love

 p.s   Ayumi Hamasaki rules!

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