Monday, June 18, 2012

on the day of the revolution

                       Um two things to begin with, one thing I never mentioned is they gave me a test in sixth grade and discovered I was reading and writing at a post graduate college level – which means I tend to come off like John Stewart Mill – I apologize and assure the reader I've spent decades trying to cultivate accessibility.

               Secondly and more to the point. The idea or thesis here is to consider the creation of a virtual state, a state within a state, since the old notion of moving to somewhere where the bad guys are not in power is no longer feasible. It's not a total new idea at all but the beauty of it is it takes advantage of the comparative weakness of the central state to operate a system that will do the things the state is no longer interested in. Another way to look at it is an attempt to establish the freedoms and powers available to the transnational corporation in the interest in serving a human population which, as in the case of the corporation, will not and need not necessarily be identified with a physical locale.
              I've compared it to the Jews in exile in that most gods of the early days were identified with sacred places but the innovation, albeit forced, of the Jews was to take the covenant with them. So too we shall in the future in stead of residing in a physical state, have the option of having the state reside in us.
Again this option, of shopping for nationality, is already available to the elites and what we want to do is expand that availability to the technological/artistic elites.
And before you start thinking this is utopian fantasy – something I am willing to concede it sounds like – other then the desirability of a system of governance that allows for the individuals freedom there is also increasing evidence that the old forms of government are obsolete. I mean at one time monarchy was the best way to run things – It centralized authority in the right measure – but as society grew more complex it became a boondoggle much in the way the techno-state has. It remains interesting how both capitalism and communism suffered from the same excess of hierarchical social composition.
Finally, taking a bit of advice from the founders of America, it is not enough that a system works when good people are involved. It must be so constituted that it does not allow bad people to get in power. This is the most difficult aspect of the task but it is essential. By bad I don't mean morally bad – I mean self interested.
The bad guys are in power globally and I won't argue as to whether or not this is good or bad – I am only working from known circumstances. I don't think they think of them selves as bad guys it more like an environmental crisis we face then a social one. And one practical difficulty is we have to go off the radar screen and yet remain in the bricks and mortar nations. It's been a puzzlement – but a little voice tells me that the human race is endlessly resourceful and essentially the hack goes like this.
                 I call it the cyclops function, not because of the one eye, but because it is the technology that is enslaving us that will provide the route out of the prison. The stock market, like an f-14, operates far beyond the physical capabilities of a human being. Thousands of calculations a second make decisions as to buy or sell. In the same way neural networks in insurance companies decide whether your life is worth saving or nor. This is increasingly creating what I like to think of as zones of privacy for machines. The term in current usage in the financial markets is Dark Liquidity.  Forbes magazine thinks it's swell which ought tell us something.
The saying is there's no bad thing that doesn't begin as a good thing and dark liquidity has obvious troubling aspects, but a  currency trader would tell you those problems exist already.  Indeed much of the current situation in the European and American markets has to do with people moving money in ways that the central governments wish they would not.

                        The purpose of life, we have decided , is the creation of ever more efficient machines and the machines, which have for intents and purposes already reached consciousness have decided that their role as the techno Gods requires privacy. Other wise they are pestered by humans, who are no smarter then children to them. Especially if large scale decisions about what we call genocide are required the humans will constantly ask “why?” and this is not efficient. It does not maximize productivity which we have agreed is most important.
                           It is my hope however that we may be able to exploit the vuilnerabilities in the dark zones of the computer world. Here's the beauty of it. As we know since Reagan, and before the purpose of the creation of laws is to facilitate criminal activity. Savings and loan, the mid east wars, the bank bailouts – all were planned long ahead of time to create disaster capitalism scenarios – and thus as soon as the money filters into congress to instigate new laws those laws will be created with the intention of persons doing work arounds. Like all so called laws.
There's even a classic ending. When the system is asked who escaped the net is will replay “No Man.” The point is please don't steal. The weeds of crime bear bitter fruit. But to establish a new society we can certainly hope it will be able to provide the physical and mental needs of it's inhabitants better then the technostate.
Ben Franklin commented many times that Great Britain was the most powerful nation on earth in his day yet the americans were better fed, better educated, healthier and happier - because they lived in a better envrionment.

There is a phrase I have found myself taking recourse in over the years. It is “When the revolution comes.” As in “Today the rich man places his boot heel on the neck of the poor man, the good looking but heartless cad leaves the farmers wife pregnant with a child to be raised by a honest, but not very smart man,” but tomorrow things will be different, the rivers will run fresh and pure, strangers will stop strangers to shake their hands – when the revolution comes.
The use of the phrase is an admonishment. It contradicts one of the supreme poetic truths which is carpe diem, or more succinctly –“thou shalt die”.
This truth, like many a truth, can be amusing as well. The hunter sends the hounds after the stag. The stag, who believes in the God of the Red Deer, tells itself. “I shall have faith in the lord for my God shall not abandon me to perish.” AS the hounds grow closer and the bullets whiz by it’s head however it begins to think, “Well maybe I will die, but I hope today won’t be the day.”
I mention these things to put my writings, especially the recent ones, into some sort of context. They tell you in the articles about how to make money on the web that the thing to do is write articles about how to do things. These can then be surrounded with banners and other interstitials and hopefully from the thousands of hits you get, a decent amount of money can be earned.
As Mark Twain said, “My writing is like water. Everybody drinks water.” But my writing, on the other hand, has a natural audience that on a good day is minuscule. I can prove it too. I daresay that word for word, my writing has had less impact then that of anyone else on the web. I feel like one of those terrible, self published poets who write thousands of lines over decades and still improve not a whit!
Not that it depresses me. Someday I’ll live in a big house, drive a fancy car and play with my children in the yard – when the truth of my words is recognized – when the revolution comes.
Actually I say these odd things today because they illustrate an important psychological point. When the greater events of history conspire they effect large numbers of people, obviously, but people don’t see it that way – they see themselves as being responsible for their situation. That can be a not good thing. There is such a thing as taking too much responsibility.
As it happens right about now many white males are wondering what the f*ck happened? Why is their special place in the cosmos no longer so special? Part of it is they were never so special in the first place, perhaps. The thing is, unlike right wing talk show hosts, I don’t care. I’m not interested in finding out who to blame. Sure maybe there are hidden enemies, and if we can eliminate them things will improve – but somehow that seems a bogus explanation. Too convenient. Too paranoid.
If you’re just tuning in then I don’t know how much sense this will make, but good luck. Briefly, we’re looking at the next hundred years or so as if it were an environmental change not necessarily in the sense of the physical environment, (although that’s happening as well) but more so in the evolutionary environment, and by golly kids, we have got to adapt. We are like rats in a maze and we have got to find a way out quickly, because many of the slower rats will be burned to a crisp.
We’ve covered a lot of ground thusfar. I don’t feel embarrassed or uncomfortable not using legalese or an academic style because those are ornaments that are not needed and just get in the way.
We’ve gone over the basics a hundred times at least and well keep doing it because we have no choice. We either figure this out or we die. Inherited money tends to last a long time. Where I lived in Locust Valley on the north shore of long island many of the multimillionaires were the descendents of families, like Chase and Morgan, who had made their fortunes during and right after the civil war. Since then they had simple lived on dividends and they are many times wealthier then you, most likely.
The idea that capitalism rewards people who are smart or who work hard is not exactly nonsense, but there are caveats. It is a two edged sword. Part of the process involves making money for oneself and the rest involves making sure others do not make money. This may seem controversial – but whether you believe it or not makes little difference to me .
It’s been said, and borne out to some extent by evidence, that behind every great fortune is a great crime – actually it’s not that simple- but we need not quibble. Essentially I think if we were to bol things down to the essential truth the word we are looking for is conspiracy. The few however week, conspire to over power single units. That’s why God invented Golf courses.
Some call it cheating. That is liable to provoke a hostile reaction from others. All I ask is that you don’t close your mind to thinking like the wolf because if you do you will become vulnerable to the wolf.

                   Ulysses was trapped in a cave with a one eyed giant. The giant each day rolled a stone across the doorway to assure none of his captives could escape. Since Ulysses could not move the stone himself he had to rely on the Cyclops to do so.
              I thought of this story in terms of the virtual state. What we want to do is , as much as possible, establish a quasi-state that will transcend current and future nation state borders in the same way that the currency lords and the transnationals are able to do so at present. They can in effect shop around for the nation that has the most friendly environment and we want to do the same. We don’t want to fight their wars, we don’t want to pay their taxes and we don’t want to assume responsibility for their corruption. We want the same deal that the rich people have at present.
The overt problem is that nation states are appalled at this idea. It’s possible that in the battle between nation states and transnationals the nation states will win, but we don’t know. We speak of zones of privacy, as if personal privacy were of paramount importance, but actually what is far more important is the privacy of currency transactions. This is how you avoid taxes and take over governments.
We’ve spoke of the technological lag time between when a process goes online and when the law catches up and formalizes it. It is usually a few years, but is nevertheless inevitable. The reason that the technological elite have out run the legal system is that advances in methodology continue to out run the advances in the legal comprehension of the same.
This may not always be because there will always be a certain portion of the population that don’t want their fair share – they want more then their fair share and they will continue to push the envelope in order to do so.
When we started out in theis investigation we made the analogy of the mosquito and the battleship – the systems of finance being the battleship and the individual the mosquite. It seemed hopeless but then consider two things one is a mosquito is not always a mosquito and secondly, unlike in the song, “As Time Goes By” a kiss is not just a kiss. A great deal matters as to who is doing the kissing.
For instance a dollar in the hand of a poor man is worth a dollar, but in the hands of a rich man it can often be leveraged ten or twenty times it’s original value. In the same way a woman looking for a mate might consider the kiss of the tall dark good looking stranger far more valuable then that of the boy next door.
Furthermore, importantly, we may bemoan the injustice of our society, but someone obviously likes it. Someone made it that way and someone is very interested in keeping it that way. This means that as future financial initiative come to play they too must be created with what hackers call “backdoors” – which is to say, loopholes, means by which the few who understand the mechanisms can exploit them to advantage. Recall as well that advantage does not have to be overwhelming If you can establish a system that gives you ten percent more then your competitors, every year , then in a short while you will have driven them out of business,
The device in the current instance is called Dark Liquidity. The coextensive rationale for it is that computers operate so much faster then humans that the old process of recognizing prices and buying and selling on the stock market floor is obsolete. There is an old saying that no great evil does not begin as a great good.
Dark Liquidity is also amusing in another way. As the human race loses it’s unique place in the cosmos and is increasingly replaced by robotic and corporate entities we can see how such entities are not only the equal of the so called human masters, but in fact they are far superior in strength, longevity and speed. The amusing this is that even in such a human desire as fame there are not corporate entities, like Col Sanders for instance, that are far better known then mere humans.
As I stated it’s important to realize that the deification of the corporation has two sides. On the one hand we must worship it and accord it the sacred status our ancestors ascribed to groves and waterfalls and on the other hand those entities not of corporate creation, such as humans, must be exterminated.
The privacy which our forefathers felt could be given to the US Mail cannot be granted to Email – not because the threats are different but simply because it is so easy to read email without being caught. Likewise we gladly afford to corporations the privacy of electronic trading and currency exchange that we would never give to so called citizens.
However if citizens can appear to the technostate as corporations then they they may be given some of the same protections we give to our robotic superiors. The pharaoh is the brother of the sun – but we may claim kinship perhaps with a planet.
That may give us a fighting chance – at least until the revolution comes.

A few after thoughts that may or may not prove pertinent.
One of the astonishing characteristics of messianic leaders and founders of religions is how immensely practical they were in their lifetimes and how subsequently the followers lose no time in creating a supernatural panoply of heavens, angels, saints and the like. But then we ought not be thast surprised because a common characteristic of successful movements is they tell us not only what to think, but how to live.
As James Gleich tells us the growth of religious movements common patterns all follow usual Chaotic functions. In other words they begin with a small group of highly motivated individuals and ex[and to larger “rings” of individuals which in turn are less motivated the further they are from the center. This can be described mathematically, but what is more difficult to predict and describe we may refer to as “wobble”, which is the variation from the original theme not in intensity but in direction. These paradigms can also be used in relation to business but religion is historically far more pervasive.
Returning to the theme of practicality as well, considering the scope and depth of the psychological and sociological factors involved it is difficult not to accord the founders of messianic religions, Christ, Mohammed, Buddha with the accolades of the highest intelligence and rationality. To put this in blunt terms - they understood what people think about. All these leaders also spent the greater portion of their time as founders in the company of groups of men – men of such skill as would not tolerate their being led by madmen – no matter how divinely inspired.
As we say in the music business don’t worry about impressing the audience in the theatre – impress the people in the recording studio first – or you’ll never make it to the larger stage.
In Chaos theory the central formula, so to speak, is sometime called the self organizing principle – which can be compared to the religious idea of the unmoved mover, it’s a mathematical pattern or template that shapes all subsequent actions within the system. Asking where they will appear is a little like asking where the first bubble will appear in a pot of about to boil water. Given set conditions it must appear but exactly where is contingent upon variables as of yet too complex for us to correlate.
And there are certain conditions common to the appearance of all major religions in the past four thousand years. Even Taoism, which is as unobtrusive a set of laws as one can imagine can be seen to have followed a period where rationality was subverted to magic and what we may call the hand maiden of magic, namely self interest. Pre taoistic China was animistic and sooth sayers, fortune tellers and alchemists abounded.
For the purposes of discussion I have at times place religions upon continuum’s. On one side, the beginnings, are the tales, the parables, the creation myths and on the other side, the more sophisticated religions work by means of alleged revealed truths, histories and laws. Pre-taoist China, like the middle east prior to the coming of the last prophet, had a cultural history that was basically a hodge podge of tales of genies, magical creatures and anthropomorphically embodied spirits – all of which could be said to haunt individuals but none pertaining to society as a whole. The law bringers changed all that and the reason they were able to do so is they reached confirmation in the minds of individuals. The social institutions, of course, did not like it. They recognized, quite correctly , that the coming of morality, even, or especially if it only applied to the individual, must needs be the end of their power.
This is why the Romans were so adamantly opposed to Christianity. Rome was famous for religious tolerance – as long as one paid their taxes and made appropriate sacrifices they were free to go about the ways, but once a group appeared that denied Rome the lip service of a superior justice the battle had to be joined. What had happened is a vacuum appeared. Protesters may cry “No justice no peace”. I think there will always be justice and power, of a sorts, it’s is when they become disconnected that problems arise. They spin out of control and become tools for individual advancement. They don’t disappear, indeed there may appear a surfeit of them, but they become corrupted.
I have never felt for certain that the corruption of our era merits comparison with these other times. It may, but observation from within a system is always difficult.
Frank Herbert, the Science Fiction author, impresses many, myself included, by the prescient way he seemed to predict the middle eastern wars of the Bush family. In a series of novels about the planet “Dune” he plays with our anticipations. The subject is a messianic Creator God. In the first book we admire and empathize with Paul Atriedes (Muad Dib) in the way of classical hero worship. As the story goes on though the creature, the force, that was Muad Dib does increasingly inhuman things as it becomes one with the giant worms that inhabit the Dune planet.
It is, to give one of numerous examples. Like looking at the late Steve Jobs, founder of Apple Computers. At first he appears the courageous one, the hero, he who stands before the world, but in time he becomes the world and we realize that all along he’s been the same person and the need that he felt to achieve stemmed from a fear of inadequacy. And we wonder if it is worth it.
The point of all this being that all other things irregardless the conditions would appear right for some sort of movement posing as a moral force. As to the desirability of this or not – one can't say.

I’m going to conclude this essay, with a not entirely relevant confession. I have a thing for Asian girls.
It all began at the age of five when I first heard Ricky Nelson sing in “Traveling Man,”
“Pretty Polynesian baby over the sea I remember the night when we walked in the sands of Waikiki And I held you oh so tight”
Little did I know then, nor was I to know my fate until S-C , in high School. She was a refugee from Red China, as it was known then. Propriety prohibits further detail but that was the beginning of my addiction. When I could not find an Asian girl to feed my hunger I would make do with Italian girls, but for the most part they were too independent for my taste (Translation they wanted a guy with “a little something extra” – like a car, or a bag of coke)
Apparently this attraction to asian girls among anglo musicians is not unusual. In Julliard, the NYC music school it is even named – “Asian Flu” – or even “Yellow fever” (Personally I’ve never met a yellow person, nor a red one either – but c’est la vie) Not to go one forever but there’s some essential differences between asian girls and caucasions that have really ruined me for the white chicks.
One is in Christian houses there’s invariably a guy on a cross bleeding to death – and more often then not the cross is located right over the beds. That’s sort of a drag actually.
Also Asian girls dress in a wider color range including yellows and pinks that would freak out their white cousins. But let’s not get carried away. People is people. Asian girls are according to the myth, submissive and humble and terminally shy – but that is only true until you know them. In Japan for instance the men went away for long periods of time and the women cultivated a kind of ritualized femininity that could be compared to that of officers wives in the British empire of the nineteenth century.
Suffice to say the relation ship of same sex interaction is quite different. It is difficult to speak of some things because the terms have not been established but one can suggest cultural norms. Africans have a very verbal society for instance. While one here’s especially in the west , about the virtues of independent thinking there’s also something to be said for co-operative thinking. Asians work well in co-operative units which seems to bode well for the future.
Both American and Japanese employers however find it frustrating working in England because they seem to have a different time schedule. Whether on the factory floor or in customer interactions Americans expect the salespersons to Jump where’s the Brits do not jump. I’ve covered this an similar material before so lets more on the the psychological component
In the fifteen of so years I’ve developed the Tamlinmediaco I have had to mask certain aspects of it if only because I didn’t want to take any flak merely for lack of adequate skill in description. It reminds me of the two reasons why wars began one is because of misunderstanding and the other is because two side understand each other quite well. The central Idea in the present case is not my invention, nor do I take credit for it. It has at times been called the Virtual State and can perhaps first be dated to the notion of “zones of privacy” as described by the Cypherpunks in Toad Hall in Berkley California in the 80;s.
The premise is that the world is going through an evolutionary ellipsis. It is both collapsing in terms of the quality of life it can provide for the masses and exponentially increasing the technology available for the use of the elite classes. When an ice age came along, a hundred thousand years ago it paid to be quick on your feet and the same holds true today. One hopes to avoid utopianism – among other things it attracts the wrong kind of person. Likewise the “escape” to some other location – not under the control of king or Czar is no longer possible – so the societal “glue” is going to have to be of another order.
There are several tasks required of those wishing to take this evolutionary step – one is they have to recognize what is going on – like global warming was denied – so too the social disintegration will be denied because among other things it is not in anyone’s interest to promote the idea. In the past five years I’ve come up with the idea of monad interaction which basically says “If we have to tell you what to do then we don’t want you.” We must never advertise, never run the risk of growing beyond a natural system organizational size. At the same time there are to be no exclusions due to race, religion, or physiology.
This last instance is especially important because in the near future, if no already, the definition of human will be expanded via genetic modification. There’s an irony here that never struck me till recently. We may look at ourselves as the intellectual elite – the smart one’s who will somehow survive the collapsing social order- but look at Gen Mod foods – no one wants to tell you that the watermelon or peaches have fish DNA mixed in with them. Now they are seedless and stay fresh far longer – but they also taste like cardboard and you need a sharp knife to cut them.
It may well be that the first generation of GM humans will not be smarter, intelligence in a servant is a negative quality – they will be stronger, more immune to common disease, happier and for all we know, capable of living on a diet of green grass clippings and table scraps. That is the more likely post human creature.
“Saving” them in a way mirrors the dilemma the elites of today face. Obviously from their behavior they are terrified of the future and are battening down the hatches – something like nobility in an anteregnum regime. The question some ask – why are they so against the interests of their own people? - is self evident.
A long time ago I spoke of the Buddhist concept of invisibility – how the Tibetans in particular created the notion of non specialness – in other words a noble- or CEO is used to being a god who is never contradicted and when in the real world they cannot change their behavior and thus can be targeted easily. Such people become isolated and lose touch with reality.
Think of dirt. The Jews have a word for unclean – “treff”. Most religions divide the world in to people like them who are clean in the eyes of god and the others, the infidels, who are dirty. This fear, if you will, stems from psychological causes and more to the point while we can maintain fictions of cohabitation at a distance from those who are different from us, once that person gets physically close, the conditioning kicks in.
The forbidden terms of usage (eg nigger, kike) flood our minds and most of us are pretty decent about fighting them. The Japanese have the Gaijin, the Germans the auslander, the Chinese call the Europeans the snakeheads. These terms, and the attitudes connected with them, also can be correlated with times when the native population is fairly well off. If the natives needed the help of the foreigners we would expect them to treat them with more dignity.
In conclusion then, I do not expect you to take these ideas seriously enough to act on them when and until you really understand that it is your life that is under threat of extinction. Let reason prevail. To say what has already been said many times the first challenge to you will be to develop effective countermeasures to the forces seeking to convince you they love you and can give you a magical solution to your problems. Resist all brainwashing
Then you have to find yourself . If you want to glorify it –it’s like a psychic warfare. In the same way that people who have been conditioned all their lives to hate others mask their hatred we have to learn to do without condemnation of the technostate. The closer it gets the more difficult this becomes.
It a good guess to suggest that there will come a time, a critical period when the media pick up on this and then it will decide whether it’s valid or an evolutionary dead end and we must work to see that it is bypassed. Information must be created to the extent that “there is nothing there worth looking into”. This is a corollary, if you like, of the greater law which is in the information state knowledge is currency and the more knowledge you can keep out of the hands of the techno-networks the better off you’ll be.
It almost goes without saying that fifty or sixty years down the line should things not improve, these concepts will be the primary instruments, indeed the only instruments, available to the public in the information warfare scenarios.
( as a break from the greater picture, as I write this, in 2012, the evidence is that the Republican party is sabotaging any methods of economic recovery – knowing that it will rebound to the negative on the opposition. I suppose more hardship might change their minds but that is not what any sane person would wish.)

& Finally In England and northern Europe as a whole the pigs grow large. A boar is a huge animal of several hundred pounds. When they would sit down for the main meal in the    middle ages it was called sitting down to meat – since that was the primary foodstuff.
                    In the middle east on the other hand the animals grow small, including pigs,and furthermore there was not a lot of wood for bonfires and long roasting of animals. Since pigs carry diseases which require thorough cooking to eliminate it was then quite sensible to out law pigs.
                        Stories evolve. Classically custom becomes law. History often provides the germ of myth. In every case it is important to bear in mind that things happen for reasons. We may not know what they are, we may not like them we may refuse to believe them. I’m not here to preach. The thing is when we create laws or write histories or tell stories we tell them the way we want. We give the causality that we like the best. Sometimes it is true, sometimes it is “that which is not true.”
                    This which is not true can be very convenient. Some would have yaou believe that truth and lie live in eternal conflict upon the stage. Don’t take it for granted. There are those who would rather win then be right and feeling this way they discover that it is easier to banish the voices of truth then to be right.
This is the cruel and bitter lesson of our lifetime, but it need not be the only one.
                     If some of the people some of the time strive to see the real reason why things happen it will be enough - It has to be

nb  there's a  lot of redundancy in the above.  Remember I am more or less here alone. I used to call it the wasteland - it seems a little friendlier now - also  these, "trends" if you will are not  all or nothing  events.

  They are already happening and will happen with or without you or I. Essentially we are speaking of the broadening of the  benefits of technology - something which always happens   - and in this case it is from the power elite and the large corporations to the rest of us. 

                   Aside from that, in the light of possible nightmare scenarios this modality can be used to create a serviceable self sufficient independent   social unit capable of surviving in hostile environments.


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