Monday, July 23, 2012

Creame puff war

The following was spurred into existence by one of those realizations of just how difficult it is for the human mind  to keep two things in mind at once.   Also it's a bit of a warning to myself  that I must not forget what I know consciously.  There are many ways I have been extremely fortunate. I grew up in a time when the working class was comparatively well off. I grew up with the benefits of NYC but few of the liabilities. My child was almost picture perfect - and in fact was balanced culturally   and racially .  I've gone to several  good schools and had a life of the gentleman of means,  with Tom Jefferson as a model.

    My peril has always been feeling if anything, too secure. I have at times missjudged people and have failed to see the dislike they felt for my privileged  lifestyle.

           What is more is the fact that it's easy to characterize the rich as idle fat cats that inherit their wealth and do drugs and play polo all day - but many of the rich nowadays are the products of recent decades - of criminal behavior yes - but they worked hard at what they did . That may comfort you a little until you realize that they are not going to give up with out a fight - that's the sad truth. People who have made fortunes do not just roll over.

       As it happened  it's been made public that the global elite - that class of people sans a nation,  now   account for more money then the United States and Japan combined

 I apologize for grammatical errors in the following  - things are running late and  I haven had time to correct or edit.

It's a long standing tradition here at the Tamlinmediaco to kick the session off with some sort of pragmatic observations – eg that which is grounded in verifiable reality. Suffice to say since the site is predicated on the premise that all is illusion this section tends to not go on for very long,

I get some slight kicks out of it and for those not of my persuasion I use this opportunity to gently nudge them closer to the borderlines of the mental terrain that is my abode. The joke being you think I am crazy and worthless and out of touch with reality and I think the exact same thing about you.
The only difference is I am too polite to mention certain aspects of our lives that would tend to lend credence to one hypothesis or another.

And Yes, I am a cyberpunk. The joke is that anyone who claims to be anything can't possibly be that – but I use the term so you can get in to the ball park and as well so you realize that weird as I am I am not entirely alone in my perceptions of what am going down round here.

I don’t mind Goths – unless they get into the Alistair Crowley thing and start skinning cats in the backyard. Politically, like most long time net geeks I tend towards libertarianism but ‘m towards the extreme end of that – meaning there’s things that have to be done, building roads and hospitals and someones got to do them and what we call that someone – be it government or private enterprise ought not make much difference – but seriously folks – think of the fuck ups that are drawn to dominate others and maybe government don’t sound too bad. It’s the least worst evil in other words.

Unlike some people I don’t find much problem being religious or mystical or into the sacred. A lot of people see the cultural aspects of dogmas and can’t separate the spiritual ones or world transcendence. Actually I’ve been playing piano since four and that has brought a lot of continuity into my life.

Also It’s worth stating the obvious which is Tamlin is an old name and the tale is also old, plus one of the ongoing themes here is the means by which the Celtics adapted to the coming of Christianity - a happenstance that anyone could realize meant the ending of their existence as a certain sort of being. We do this because we feel that the coming changes, particularly in forms of genetic modification are rapidly changing the human race into something that will not recognize us as the same species. We will be to them as apes are to us.

This is something that the Druid poet Taliesin was well aware of and in response he said, to paraphrase, “hold on, I have been many places and I have taken many forms.” In essence don’t judge a book by it’s cover. And as well he states unequivocally that his poems are not literal alone and that they can only be understood by those who see them “in their true form and meaning.”

This is not the time or place to go into great details but the celtic world was divided into three and the task of the master, as always, was to transverse these three at will= this liberates the mind, or soul to appear where it wants anywhere or when in the universe, much like an electron may appear where ever around the central nucleus of an atom.

Plus, quite honestly it is a reality that the associative historical bonds of identity are everywhere collapsing. Academics speak of the death of myth. As a white male I am of course accused of every crime every white male ever committed, for logical reasons. Mea Culpa! But that said remember that the violence of the white man has been directed against his own kind as well.

And as Sigmund Freud said the real war is waged not to kill but to castrate. A eunuch slave is worth much more then a dead freeman, Strindberg agreed, as did Nietzsche.. So let us never lose out sense of the sacred if we are to refrain from the madness of violence.

As to the practical world I’m a much better speller then when I was a young man – that’s a joke. I’m not smarter though - I’ve given the following speech a thousand times – even though it is congruent with the finest and most recognized minds of academia still I am not asked to be a columnist for the Television. Boo Hoo. Is it my breath? Should I have more plastic surgery? Am I talking enough Beta Blockers and mood enhancers - or is my wig too tight - tune in tomorrow and see.
The basic premise of The Cyberpunk is simple. The world has moved to a point where the nation states are no longer feasible guardians of rights or privileges. It’s not that they don’t want to hand around, just like the old monarchies liked hanging around, it’s just they are not up to the task, which is contingent upon increasingly complex decision making. ( See Norman O Brown and Buckminster Fuller)
Primarily to call yourself a state you need to be able to do two things: collect taxes and maintain borders. Neither of these requirements is possible in the modern age and attempts to fulfill these requirements using the technology of the past are doomed to failure.

In the past, when money was gold, or even bills there was physical difficulty in moving it from one place to another. You could sequester it. As national borders go the advent of the nuclear bomb has made the age old quest for ever larger empires something of a moot point.

If I was Frank Zappa, the satirical composer, I’d claim that stupidity played a role in all this. The US is the wealthiest nation on eath but it’s people are measurably among the more stupid, number sixteen or so, because as successful monarchies long realized one of the keys to the retention of power is the continuance of ignorance.

But I’m not Frank and what is more, Frank for all his whining was like left wing and right wing political ranters who make millions on their discontent. He wasn’t hypercritical per se, but he lived in an era when things still functions – unlike today when the basics are collapsing.
The Cyberpunk hypothesis was established by Bill Gibson in Neuromancer. Interestingly that one book threw down the doors of deception. If you want safety and food and shelter you can only find it in the arms of the multinationals and the equity lords. Interestingly enough the literary movement that cyberpunk spawned did not last. I suggest it’s because ,ost computer hobbiests do not read scifi novels.

The thing is I grew up in politics, actually Long Island was republican, Mom was the secretary to the local receiver of Taxes and my first regular job after graduating Hofstra University was as a research analyst/Admininstrator in the Country Criminal Justice Council. I’d always been reasonably good in math and it was there I got a taste of how changing economic conditions change behavior in real life. A series of recessions had swept through the country in the 70’s and each one, like clockwork, would change the crime patterns accordingly.

By the time started it was the middle eighties and that meant the disaster for us that was Ronald Reagan. It’s important to realize that when we attack people for saying, as Swift says, “those things that are not the truth.” We’re really only commenting on the skill sets. Both sides lied and the speed with which the democrats rolled over and played dead presaged the willingness of Clinton ten years later to betray his base.

In the 1820’s an English commentator, at the dawn of a period where only money counted and where the criminal court system was noted for it’s insane brutality said, “The two parties are like two coaches rushing along a muddy road, occasionally splashing mud on one another but nevertheless leaving from the same place and bound for the same destination.” That describes any system where the money is beginning to run low.

In any case my attitude is that neither party was correct in calling the other liers but rather suffered under an all encompassing delusion – a delusion that for them to forego was more then they could stand emotionally. It was the idea that, so to speak, a government could serve two masters.
You can’t serve the public and big business at the same time. But since business was paying the bills it could not be denied it’s will. We see this in microcosm in the entertainment industry. It is not a matter of more regulations, or a different management styles – it is a trust, a monopoly and there fore has to be rebuild from the ground up. It cannot be allowed to continue to exist in it’s present form and those presently in power, at least, understand what I say quite well and thus we must expect them to fight back using every power at their command and using every resource they have – because they know that this battle, once lost, will leave them with nothing.

I speak from the vantage of one who grew up summering in the Hamptons. They live well and are not bad people in any moral sense. They are probably, in most cases no worse off as humans then those who seek to replace them – and they see no reason why someone elses family should get the goodies. I feel for them deeper then they know. This is why I am in no hurry to facilitate change
Sometimes you think “Better the devil we know then some new devil” Sometimes we think as well, “This oppression while harsh is yet bearable” Actually, like Edmund Burke, I find it hard to remove from my mind the image of the youthful princess in her paradise.. ,, but then a voice arises in my head saying “This must not be” and what is more, if allowed to continue, it will not continue long and the collapse will be far more painful, deadly even.

After a car crash that was covered up by the corrupt DA at the behest of Nelson Doubleday I began to realize that my understanding of events and opportunities was not shared by my neighbors. The adage about revolution is that it is not promoted by peasants, but rather by the upper middle class, who want a share of the power and are locked. That was certainly my case and I won’t deny it. I wanted a job in a Senators office and when, as so often the Senator proved himself not up to the task, my political career ended.

Fortunately after the car crash my father decided that my living was more important then my being thought a hard worker and he allowed me to live at his house for the next few years, a period during which I reverted to my usual habits of study. It then, about 1990, that I came up a book about “The Virtual State” and it opened my eyes to the notion that the cyberpunk scenario was already in place.

Recall we had all read 1984 and were fearful of such a state, but we missed the primary thesis, which was the people were unaware they were slaves. It reminds one of the constant cry of the german survivors of WWII concerning the camps – “We did not know what was happening” Reagan threw five hundred thousand people off of social security and no one noticed?

“The Virtual State” provided me with a glimpse into the idea that the next incarnation of government would, of necessity, concern itself only with those it required to exist – the rest would exist in forms of slavery. The stain on Americas history has always been slavery, but now it is to be replaced, by those who cannot compete. Who will have pity on the fat boy, on the lazy, on the stupid?

Science often seems to have a cold and unfriendly face, especially when compared with the loving warmth of myth. But myth can get you killed. A few years back people were repulsed by the book “The Bell Curve” for daring to suggest there were actual differences in races. I was one of them appalled. We’ve heard that story too often and seen it disproved too often.

But a scientist will tell you the earth is round, smoking causes cancer and poverty goes hand in hand with crime. This last assertion I can testify to. People don’t always steal because of character flaws – they steal because they are hungry. It’s not rocket science. “The Bell Curve” described accurately where we are headed in social terms eg small enclaves of well protected gated communities accessed by automobile and , at a distance, “Zones of poverty” where the services needed to keep the underclass alive can all be found within walking distance.

The rat infested housing, the drug rehab centers, the food banks, the social service centers, the second hand clothing stores will all be localized and thus the peasant population will be incentivized to stay put. There need be no walls around these conclaves because there will be effectively no where else to go where they could survive. Should they mount an attack on the wealthy communities they will be met with high walls, barbed wire and gunfire.

If you doubt me, look around, this is the way that banana republics operate. In the third world it is not the exception but the norm. We could prevent that, but only if we want to and there is a large and well funded contingent of forces telling us that is just what we want.

Racial discrimination has been replaced by economic discrimination. I answer those who claim this is correct by saying we must judge a scoety not by how it treats it best, but how it treats its worst off. Old habits die hard. Still I retain some impulse to “fix” things, but I’ve had a life time of having doors shut in my face because the social graces that open all doors ( read family connections) were not mine.

When I lived in a high value Zip code I’d get phone calls, cold calls from young chaps eager to sell me investments. I would not trust them as far as I could throw a piano. One guy asked me if I’d ever heard of Oppenheimer.
“Sure, I replied, first nuclear bomb?”

And , of course one would get the faux gold print on the letter from JP Morgan and Co – telling me that “Character is what counts” – as if for one moment they’d consider extending credit to someone on “Character”. My own feelings was and remains that any company that spends a fortune telling me how rich they are can’t be that rich and certainly don’t know the value of a dollar.

The fact is we been told to do it on our own for a while now. Actually I can make a case for decent behavior – it’s called human capitol – which suggests that health and education are good things to promote and those things which are not the truth are not. But why bother?

You turn your back on me – I turn my back on you.

The sticking point is this. It is a devils bargain. We in the non noble class understand that we cannot as of yet win. It is not a matter of the electoral process bringing us Tweedle dee and Tweedle Dum. So we agree to keep moderately quite about things – there’s no sense paying a heavy cost for nothing – and large scale street demonstrations would entail such costs.
On the other hand the empowered few understand that if the dam breaks the flood will sweep all before it. They hated FDR with a passion so imagine the antipathy they’d feel towards anyone trying to correct four decades of mismanagement.

So we wait and hope things will get better – each side painfully aware that in an era of limited resources each side can only gain at the others expense.

There is great irony here. I will digress and tell a story.

There was once a republican speech writer named Peggy Noonan. How she fell in to the service of the tyrant we don’t know. Perhaps she sought a long lost father, maybe it was the money, or may that strange sort of Irish Fascism that crops up here and there. But anyway she wrote many effective speeches for the Irish all are known for their gift of the blarney which stands them good in politics.
Ms Noonan and myself were roughly contemporary in age, though I’d not wish to ask her hers.
Let’s put it this way = people who are well read can recognize others of the same breed. It is knowing the exceptional rare thing that differentiates the smart from the brilliant. Very often to an average person a brilliant person is unrecognizable as such – because they don’t catch the references.

J.R.Rowling is brilliant because she knows about Gilles de Rais, the man who allegedly kept the corpses of hundred of murdered infants in his Paris basement in the middle ages. Most people don’t care to know about such things, but historians, like cops, develop immunities to horrors.

So there was a book with the simple title of “Ancient Greece”. It’s a good bet that it was in many schools across America, because it covered a wide variety of material from the culture to the arts and politics. In it was made reference to “A thousand points of light” that would shine forth from the Greek democracy. There were other cases of similar phrases cribbed which found their way into republican speeches over the years.

The power of the word is difficult to deny. :”I am the state” said the Sun King. Ich bin Deutschland said Adolf Hitler. Ich bin ein Berliner” said JFK

(Actually Jack Kennedys grammar was wrong. It was like saying “The Del Fuegos” where Del is the Spanish world for “the”. Kennedy applied English grammar. What is even more amusing is a Berliner is a crème filled pastry. So more then a few heard the famous words, which he worked on a long time to learn to pronounce as “I am a crème puff!”

The “Ancient Greece” textbook was that rare historical with the grace of poetry in it. The point of course being that the same phrases could have been used in the service of exactly the opposite cause. It’s like deciding justice by combat, who one discovers is not truth, but who’s the better fighter.

So too does a rising tide lift all boats. Sometimes though in some places criminals would be chained in the sea and the rising tide drowned them. Let us not forget then the many who died over the years at the service of a few seemingly logical words.

And actually God is no fool. Maybe I don’t have character in terms of good looks or money, but now that the flood has come and gone I find the highways open an clear of obstructions.


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