Thursday, December 12, 2013

The Hand of Fate

                     Am putting finishing touches on yet another studio. Hopefully it will last long enough to actually record something! That doesn't concern you. Apparently guys like Beethoven could write entire werken in their heads. Mozart would have his wife play in the background so the formulated piece in his head would not be altered beyond recognition. I suggest he wrote much of his stuff while playing billiards. Anyway

                            So it is possible to write about one subject and make your living in another. A acquaintance from high school wound up teaching Buddhism and constantly had to remind the students that is was anthropology and not the revealed word of god that would determine grades.

                    And on the long term website, which is in slo mo now the theme there is the advent of technology in the broadest sense of the word. Tecknos being the wat one does something it can be applied, as with Lewis Mumford, to pyramid or city building or as in the case of Jacques Elule and the French existentialists with the technostate. Lewis was an American who saw the growth of the American Century and the French, such as Sartre and Camus who experienced the technostate first hand as members of the Vichy Republic. 

                         For the record let it be said that more then one person has remarked that the number of people who were in the resistance seemed to grow with every year after the liberation – but the poets, such as Robert Desnos, kept up the side and went to their graves in far greater numbers then the rightest “he men” such as DeGaulle.

                    I say this because there is a chance that such prognostications as such as I have made may someday be proven true and it is needed to remind future readers that it has been a long, cold road since the initial surrender in 1980. People don't want to hear it.

                  To begin with today as I said these are broad, across the board changes occuring. One can for instance draw parallels between changes in physics and epistomology, as the bench marks , once so solid, transform to hypotheticals. The same holds true with both finance and the law. Both are having to do without the corpus delecti of yesteryear. As the mathematicians say, “God turns out to be an equation.”
                        In simpler terms gold is replaced by photons in the intercontinental currency market and likewise the eyewitness of yesteryears crimes is replaced by the camera and printout of todays computer age.
                          Lets say some all knowing entity showed up tomorrow and said, Your justice system appalls me but I'll tell you what I'll do. I will tell you who on death row is actually innocent – but you in turn must let a guilty party go for each innocent I reveal.
                     What do you do?
               No to dissappoint the sadists in the crowd, mankind has by and large chosen to take the deal. Justice Frankfurter went so far as to say it was better that ten guilty go free then one innocent man be punished. I'm not here to argue that. My experience in criminal justice lead me to the conclusion that we prefer to punish the innocent because they are less trouble to catch!

                    Now we come to some salient issues. Much of the opposition to the privacy advocates can be summed up as “If you're not guilty you have nothing to worry about.” Nearly all false accusations though are based on circumstantial evidence. The more you know about someone the easier it is to concoct some sort of false picture about them.
                        Along with that is the fact that it is in the interest of any criminal to provide the authorities with a substitute target.

                        In terms of apprehension one salient phrase, orginated by Lawrence Lessing, I believe is “The law of code.” The classic example is when you take out a library book overdue you pay fine but the book is still readable. When you take out an electronic library book at a certain point in time it becomes unreadable
                           What the law of code does is it heightens the power to say no. It is not fun. Recently in congress they tried writing legislation that on a certain date would do certain things and found it difficult to work with because we cannot tell what the future will bring.
                  For instance. I take a heart medication. I take it twice a day and it has made my life much better. I'll probably take it for the rest of my life. The catch is if I miss a day or two, I know it and to stop suddenly is not recommended.
                I go to Rite Aide because several years ago they seemed good. Late hours, many outlets, selection of other things. I probably don't have to tell the reader that the US has declared a limited war on it's citizens. The safety net, as poor as it was in comparison to the industrialized world is unraveling.
                         In practical terms it means my medications cost more, are more difficult to get and mys income is less. I go to renew a prescription on a Tueday and they say the computers down. So I have to make another trip two days later which I do and I discover that the computer which apparently keeps track of things is still down.
                          I come back four days later and I am loaded for bear. I am upset and I get even more upset when I discover that they had the medication all along. What they didn't have was the okay from the computer to dispense it.
              This medication is not a drug – you don't get a high. You don't feel anything in fact.
                               Why the central computer saw fit to deny the script I have no Idea. They have the numbers calculated .
                      When the shit hit the fan in 08 down in Riverhead and they had a crackpot County Exec out to prove he was a tough guy there were people living in tents, sleeping rough, veterans, drug addicts sex offenders ex cons – the whole gamut of the underclass nobody in the Hamptons gave a fuck. The only place where you could get a free meal was from the little old church ladies. They are last survivors of the old America.
                    It's making me superstitious.
                         I don't know what happened in RiteAide, but once again the little old lady came through. She pressed a vial of meds into my hand and said.
                        “Here, No pay. You don't have to pay for this”
                      Am I criminal? By some definition I suppose I am.

                          When was the last time you heard a machine cry?

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