Tuesday, November 1, 2011

chugga chugga

hello  again, still getting up to speed, but hoping to be alittle friendlier as we gain some confidence with this here thing.

  Today we   have three tunes by ALF. There are three complete songcycles in the  can, Toyland, which is based on a theme of childrens toys, The Perfect Wave, which is based on surf music and cocktail cha cha music, and Main Street USA,  which is about how hard it is to ba an adult.
       The tunes are two from the kiddie show,  "Leave my Teddy Bear Alone" and  "Timothy Crabbe"  and a surf instrumental from "The Perfect  Wave" called "Somewhere West of Waikiki (Pt's 1 & 2). At this stage I just threw then ancillary material in to the archive because  I am always short of time. Plus  I am being perhaps overly careful about the graphical component of things,    Some may know that before the flood we'd gotten to the point of releasing films to go with the tunes and eventually I want to get back to that point. Plus I really have to have some sort of ongoing    radio  station  which would have to be most  instrumentals.

                In any case I apologize for the site looking bland as dishwater.  

     ALF's Stuff can be gotten here 

The  Newest   --         3 by ALF


still around is "I'm a Runner"

     I mean I miss all the doodads and filigree of HTML  -but anyway here we go with the rant ---

NB – basically I write these blurbs in between other things  so that could explain the lack of direction and/or the reptition

        Before we begin to \day two apologies stemming from the haphazical state of things here.

          I'm by no means committed to blogspot. I'm trying to get used to it, but it's clumsy in comparison with plain old html. If you've ever been to the third world you know that people are forever offering to help you - they want to cut our hair - they want to show you round - they want to introduce you to their big breasted sister - and of course what they really want is to suck you dry of money and they same holds true with a lot of the "helpful people" on the internet.

          I'm starting to get very busy on the production end of things and still have to review wordpress and google gadgets and pay schemes- again - it's all crap - no one has any taste on this planet  - I mean literally consider the type of typical thing you'd find in Disneyland in 1960 and you realize they had to start from scratch because no one had the slightest idea  (except for a few antique collectors) where they were at.

           And another thing - since the pay schemes are going to be voluntary it makes as much sense just to send me a check for a dollar rather then hassle with pay pals  knowing your CC card number and selling your info to god knows who.

        Plus then I'll have sort of a mailing list, which would be optional on your part.

                       From what I understand donations through paypal of under a buck are still subjected to high percentage viz cover charge - the thing is I don't know what to do about a mailing address on my end - but the idea is worth bearing in mind. Probably will wait until I can get a PO Box together – so for the time being the stuff will remain free.

            Just pray for me and I’ll  pray for you  

        And lastly in legal terms one is afforded protection from intervention in snail mail that does not, as far as I know exist w/email.  


   There is a  logic thread to the following - can you find it?

          I tried out "Kindle for Mac" yesterday. Worthless, It don't read PDF'd, it don't import txt, rtf or hrtf. Unless you Buy product from Amazon it doesn't essentially nothing. Hey, but that's their right to do.

It reminded me of a guy I knew years ago, worked for Atlantic records as a lawyer, but I doubt he lasted. Music companies have their own employment patterns - they hire on a one to one basis e.g. somebody knows somebody, until the firm gets bloated and then they announce massive layoffs and repeat the cycle again. The nice thing is nobodies feelings get hurt.

         But this guy was not really top rank - I have a pretty good feeling for these things (not perfect by any means however),and one of the ways he showed it was insecurity. He had a flat and a girlfriend in the village, but he came off as i he'd be a lot happier in Connecticut.  He played. bass, I think in alt rock bands and he could do that   and he knew that the better players are noticeable for their ability to adopt different styles, but he did not have the time or opportunity to dedicate, whereas I did, so that was a problem right there.

      And to narrow the discussion down to the personality type he was of the belief that if someone could not improve the state of his wallet or his sex life they were, as we say,  prima facia, worthless. The great thing about people like this is one never gets attached to them because they are creeps  and as the  Budda so rightly say, It is attachment that is the source of all suffering in the world.

               In a way jealousy is a form of compliment, because the jealous person considers the other as a form of threat to whatever they are seeking to keep to themselves.  There's other forms of jealousy, leading up to paranoia, which is a particularly nasty form of neurosis and difficult to extinguish.

            And amusing question is raised by the occupy Wall Street crowd. That is why do the protestors seem to be exclusively white and middle class or better? Why are there comparatively few of the really poor to be seen?

              Rhetoric, the real thing, is a fascinating subject. It is not the efflorescent verbal flourishes that we often confuse it with. It is more like verbal kung-fu and the goal is to kill the opponent. One feints, one jabs, one slices and parley parley thrust. Like my beloved Alchemy it almost a lost art. It's heydays were in the Roman Senate form 50 - 300 CE and then in the Middle ages from, e;even until about 1400 CE.

           Like I say it's a fascinating subject because the degrees of mastery are so deep and complex.Part of a Judges Job, for instance, in a court room is to remind the attorneys when they are getting off the subject and for instance telling us about the impoverished  boyhood of the defendant, but a master rhetorician will change the subject just slightly enough to make something totally irrelevant seem germane.

       Remember Reagan's fellow who sold missiles to Iranians and he took his orders and marched up the hill, at the time the nation was deeply moved at the loyalty and true blueness of the guy - but it was, after all disobeying the wishes of congress which was supposed to be in charge. It was great theatre, it was good rhetoric, but it was not law.

         People may put down strategy as the  ballywick  of amateurs but if you have your logistics under control it can be effective. Sometimes one has to be seen to be doing something, even if one is not. Often it's the other way around. One must be seen as doing nothing while they are in action, actually.

     Do you remember earth day? Hundreds of thousands demonstrated about something where the crucial desisions could be made by a dozen or two. Result? Let's say it's still up in the air.

         As I said the lawyer from Atlantic  didn't care for me in part because he realized that I was someone he should have gotten to know. I'm not talking courtesy, I'm talking common sense.

       People ask why the Marxian revolutions did not arrise from the industrial proletariate. like he said they would but fro a combination of the agrarian masses and the disenfranchised intellectual elite. The brighter ones of you should be beginning to understand what'll getting ot by now.

              David Brooks, et all, are running scared because the people that want change are not impressed by how well he writes. It's like I always say about the boyfriend and the husband. The husband will let his wife cheat because she gave kids, she cools the meals and she puts out every once in a while, but if she cheats on the boyfriend - that's it. end  of game  because the boyfriends dealing with enough negatives i a part time affair as it is.

      It's the people most like those presently in power that have lost the most and are the most upset. You can tell Joe Blow that the president of some company is worth 3 million a year and  he may be stupid enough to believe you but don't try that on the guy who went to school with the CEO and knows quite well his limitations.

  After being fooled so many times and lied to so many times, words are not enough, one feels as if they are presented with the Gordian knot

    Bring back the 70% maximum   tax bracket.

  I have no problem with that. Do You?




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