Tuesday, May 8, 2012

First Class

First Class

         Back in the days of yore I had a friend who had this rubber stamp that said “First Class”. It was meant originally to be used on packages and letters, lest the postal authorities not figure it out for themselves. Most of the time however he didn’t use it to send letters, but kept it around as a marker of things he thought of particular value, like for instance, the second Roxy Music Album.
    For the sake of a little context American suburbanite kids live an underground existence, Part of it is the drugs and part of it is the legal system which is the most draconian on earth. They live in basements and attics in their parents houses, collecting amusements, waiting for the ship to come in. And what is more we grow up in terror that we will not “make the cut.” In most countries there are safety nets, health care systems and free education but these are all things that one must fight for in the US because there are people dead set again letting them have these things.
          Skipping around, a few years after college, in the early nineties I was talking to Frank Language and she was saying she was impressed by the movie “Titanic” and I commented that the film demonstrated the virtue of going First Class; meaning one had a far better chance of survival in that case.
To understand the subconscious psyche of America you could do worse then turn to James Cameron. The greatest and most successful artists are invariably those who add a little contemporary relevance to their story choices. Consider the film Pearl Harbor – a mediocre film, terrible box office, then consider Independence day, if anything a worse movie – great box office. Needless to say those ubiquitous alien saucers are but stand ins for the fears that really obsess us; real fears based on real dangers – such as the fear of General Electric or TimeWarner.
                      “We make money the old fashioned way – we steal it” John Hussleman
                 Certainly one can argue whether these fears are justified, but I do not. I have seen the light. In fact the whole demand for even handedness and a fair trail leaves me a little cold. They had their fair trial - yesterday. Besides which I’m not out to destroy the one per centers – I’m trying to keep them from destroying me.
What is being said here is that there’s a great desire and rush to the lifeboats. Those in First Class will presumably live and those in steerage will die. Death. The real final frontier. The land of no return. The thing that no one likes to talk about. The thing that happens to people without health care.
These instances are worth mentioning because they hint at an underlying theme here at ye old Tamlinmediaco, which is – If you don’t have a first class awareness of what is happening you are dead meat. But even that would not save you. In the battle we face the fact that you are aware of the enemy will not spare you. The system is so contrived that it must destroy the smart as well as the dumb and the strong as well as the weak.
                             Herbert Spenser was the Milton Friedman of the 1890’s – he gave a pseudo scientific justification for the thievery of the robber barons. To do this he misquoted Darwin. He said Darwin argued for the survival of the strongest, but actually the word was the “fittest”. So the joke is the neoliberals not only destroy the weak and defenseless, but everyone else as well – thus being twice as effective!
We are they who have been battling the technostate since before we were born. We’re good at it, or we like to think so, but then maybe they just allow us to exist to have a putative enemy to justify their lawlessness.
Anyway the only effective countermeasure is not allow the state to classify you as second class. This is why we speak of information warfare. The more the technostate knows about you the more vulnerable you are to attack and neutralization. To clarify – the technostate is not the government. The technostate often wants nothing else then to eliminate the government because the government operates with laws that are more or less out in the open and the technostate operates only in the shadows.
                                  It is also good to remember that all the old terms are fungible in the borderless society.
                        Getting back to the notion of First class then, there is a considerably large group of Americans who, in a functioning society might have been expected to take the reigns of power, but the system as we all know is broken, intentionally, and I could even make a nationalist case about how destroying human capital eventually must weaken the standing of the USA, however I’m not inclined to go down that road. Perhaps ironically the natural advocates of such an idea, right wing nationalists, won’t touch it because it implies responsibility to aide all Americans and not just us white folk.
In any case evolution is not restricted to any one race or creed, nor is anything else for that matter, and in the same way Jefferson and Franklyn reached outside the borders of the colonies to gain aid in fighting the Brits, we must think about getting aide wherever we can find it.
                             So the concept I like is world class, sort of like the Olympics. It’s pretty obvious that the powers that be are interested in keeping the American educational system strictly third world. I won’t argue – the numbers support me. It is only by enforcing ignorance that the technostate can assert it’s most effective control over the masses. For Americans that would go first class – and find the doors closed I suggest you go world class – skip a grade.
                                Not to hurt anyones feelings but the preponderance of upper order post grad degrees goes to immigrants. Obviously. Increasingly they are returning to their homelands after graduation. This is just one of those time bombs that no one cares to notice, largely because to fix it we’d have to support the American educational system at levels not under serious consideration.
                           And just in case you have missed the point - my attitude is not of a radical who wants dynamic change – or god forbid of a revolutionary. I just think there’s got to be a few hundred of us in the same boat and we should develop a modus operandi for getting as many of us out of “the bad places” as possible. This could be done individually or collectively.
Soros invented a term called reflexivity to understand systems as continually changing. Flexibility is critical here with what I am speaking of. It is the solid, tangible logos that will prove most dangerous. In the recursive search methods the first thing the program looks for is repeating patterns and there fore these must be eliminated as much as possible.
                        In fighting a company like Verizon the less they know about you the easier your task will be – and don’t forget –like vampires, the corporation cannot simply mark you as customer/victim - they have to be invited into your bank account.
                      One time in the beginning of the great war Bertrand Russell took part in a pacifist rally. For many reason the first world war was at it’s inception tremendously popular and as you can nmagine , anyone who opposed the war was not popular.
                     So, Russells there with his sign and the locals were around and they started beating the anti-war protestors bloody. One of Bertrands friends rushes up to the constables and says “Can’t you stop that – they are likely to put people into the hospital?” The Constables turned away and ignored him. Then the guy says
                     “But he’s a member of the House of Lords!”
                    That changed everything. The house of lords, which is now a largely ceremonial group used to be something like the equivalent of the US senate.

                                     The game , thus, is this. As best as possible one must try to avoid the labeling of one as an enemy of the state. But the whole survivalist, hide away thing seems a bit mental actually. One can’t live their life in the context of avoiding life. What has to happen then is we have to invent a new language, a new code.
                        Just to refresh you on the difference between verbal law and code law. The usual example is the library. In legal law if you don’t return a book on time you bring it back later and pay a fine. In code law the book ceases to be readable at midnight of the day it is due. Or if you have an argument with a business person about money in verbal law you go to court and one side or the other forces payment – in code law the payment is automatic and happens immediately.
                                  There’s no daring getaways in code law. Your car simply stops working. And so on.
The second aspect of flexibility is that in any two tier state the underclass, which is us, creates a sublanguage – one that can be spoken before the authorities and yet not understood by them, that language will then be broken but the trick is to keep the sublanguage in a continual state of fluxion so it cannot be cracked easily.
These methods are already in common usage. They are used everyday in business to create virtual trusts and enter into criminal conspiracies that when revealed to the public appear to be perfectly legal, mere matters of coincidence.
              Returning to what I mentioned earlier about the need to invite Vampires into your home for them to  be effective, The law of code, which is the new actual law, works two ways and it works via information.
             For instance in the past if you had a dispute about who owes who what in terms of money you did not have to pay until it was settled,  Now the access to your money is electronic and your assets are reachable instantaneously.  Or you may find money removed from your paycheck. Code law is perfect and never makes mistakes, except when it does make mistakes.
                That is the second aspect of  the information weapon. By knowing everything about you pain can be applied to you in terms of removing your money and/or many of the choices in life that you depend on. And there's not a damn thing you can do about it.
                 In the past when you were victimized in a robbery you could at least aid the police and possibly even find the culprit.  When Goldman Sachs steals your life savings however such regress is not permitted.  they are a corporation and hence above the law and you are a serf, a virtual slave in the techno state. What are you going to do? Shoot the CEO? It's just not done. It's not polite.
               The primarily usage of information as a weapon of the corporations to induce self destructive behavior in humans is by finding out the  specific wants and needs of individuals they are able to create the most effective means of persuading you of the harmlessness of their suggestions.  
but ultimate they are not your friends. Sorry to tell you this. I know they have told you you are cripples and only their magic powers can help you walk but it just ain't so.

                      John Rockefeller is an interesting case. His father was a con man who often cheated him when he was a boy and he then used those skills in later life to fool dozens of competitors. He was vilified in life yet he though himself an excessively moral man. He was paradigmatic in that not everyone who works most to support the monster state thinks themselves a bad person either.
                       He was not a brilliant oil man, whatever that is, but what he did is he added a new skill set to the game. His companies operated under masked identities, communicating via a system of extensive code words. They reached hidden agreements with selected firms to eliminate competitors. They bribed legislators but hell, everyone does that.
                              The other most hated and richest man in America was Jay Gould who was a more conventional sort of thief. Remember you don’t become a plutocrat without killing people so if you conscious bothers you by all means sell hot dogs. Gould was in railroads and he’d basically build shoddy railroads, over sell the stock and the trains would crash and people would die and that’s the way it went. Then as now. Neither he nor Rockefeller was ever in serious danger of being apprehended by the law.
The law will only catch the small fish. Did I mention the “D” word yet? When it is the common mood to be corrupt to expect that somehow the law will rise above the herd of common men is foolish. Hence we have all the current online restrictions coming into play.
                              That’s the thing about world class. The First class game is rigged. Kobayashi Maru Scenario as is stated in the First Star Trek movie. You cannot win as the game is structured. You have to get out of the mental and physical jurisdiction of the game. Both ways are possible.
All games exist solely for the opportunity to enforce their rules which is to say that the rules needed to succeed in one may well be superfluous in another. For this we can often be thankful.

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