Sunday, September 23, 2012

The Legend of Sharky

                  The legend of Sharky 

                A lot of people think they know the story of the legend of Sharky, but they don’t. what they know is drips and drabs and figments and fictions. Most of these tell you more about the teller then about what the story is really about. But that’s just the way it is.
                       Maybe it’s a story better never completely told. You know, a wise man once said, “We get all the truth we can stand and the rest, that which we are unprepared to believe – that which we can never believe - just washes off us like water off a duck’s back.
      Those who tell you they were his friend – they lie. He had no friends, only associates and even they sooner or later could not resist the urge to succumb to his abilities. He made things happen. The women who loved him asked for nothing in return. Just to be seen with him was their reward.
                 And I’ll tell you right out loud right now that I never met the man; what I know has been pieced together from scraps, so if at a later time we discover that I’ve gotten a few facts wrong then I apologize, but nevertheless the core of the story is as I shall relate it.
             There are some, it is true, who say that Sharky was like many of us back in the seventies, he was a seeker after the great truths, and the primary difference between him and the rest of us is that he had the resources, granted to him by a wealthy family, that enabled him to carry on his journey further then the rest of us. I am not of this opinion. Nor can I subscribe to the idea that he, early on, joined the Peace Corps and led an exemplary life of voluntary poverty from an early age.
                                               What is by far his most likely origin is among the hard nosed Yankee businessmen of his new England roots. His family was long settled in the area and respectable, but in recent years had fallen on comparatively hard times. It is very likely the erudition and breadth of knowledge that he displayed early in life came from a comparatively enriched environment as a youth. One hesistates at this point to draw too many conclusions or suggest that he was overmuch influenced by the situation in Massachusetts in the second half of the twentieth century.
                    Whether it was from want of adequate opportunity, or, as most chose to believe, from a yearning to see the world it is known that he had left Salem before the age of eighteen, initialed to attend school in Northern Falls, Minnesota and then to various ports of call throughout and across the Pacific Ocean.
                        This is the romantic Sharky that we hear so much about. What often is not mentioned is that this period only lasted three years. His physical beauty was such that he never wanted for a place to stay in any city he visited. As well there are a number of prostitutes even today, nearly forty years after, who claim to be his daughters. As to sons however there are none who make this claim, which in an of itself is not astounding. Sharky made enemies as well as friends, especially among men who’s wives and daughters he had seduced, and who’s sons he had borrowed money from never to return.
                            What is certain is that on July second nineteen eighty a middle aged man checked into a Hong Kong Hospital giving only the name “Sharky”. Over then next year there are several other apparently voluntary admittances to this and other Pacific rim Hospitals. In each case the patient walked in and in all but the last he walked out without assistance. The official cause of admittance was given as “Influenza” This is problematic because there were no other reported cases of the disease in the locale at the time of his being struck by it.
                       He never was reported missing and so there was at no times and active search for him. Among the teeming hundreds of millions in Southeast Asia one more American who had sought enlightenment and found only death in a back alley would be no surprise. I happen to know for certain that there were reports of sightings soon after and for many years: sightings of a man in the deep ocean, of a man who, upon being seen, continued his lonely voyage across the waves.
              When on occasion the ships that sighted “Sharky” went to investigate they found nothing. Gradually the legend grew and eventually, the story of the man who left family and friends to gambol on the waves became a legend and went viral, but as we know the legend is somewhat incorrect. He had already left the security of his Salem home to attempt to find happiness in the fleshpots and opium dens of the worlds.
Some claim they have seen him on dry land, but none of these claims are from though who knew him before his transformation. Some claim that he has undergone a physical change of lower form; his legs have fused together to form the lower extremities of a powerful fish. When this insight is combined with that of recent discoveries of captured dolphins the picture becomes much more clear.
                   There is at present a significant human dolphin breeding program being undertaken on behalf of certain elements in the new world order. What is more the pioneer of this program went into it fully aware of the consequences and with no intention of personal reward other then the satisfaction of seeing the boundaries of science pushed back.
    Because of the shape of the mouth it is impossible for Dolphins to speak as humans do, but their hearing is excellent and it’s long been suggested that they understand not only dolphin, but human speech as well. Along with this the Prognikov theorem which states that once the initail form of the DNA code is broken human can survive with as little as a fifty per cent amount of standard Code.
            Along with this is the suggestion that once codes become intermingled  secondary and tertiary codes can be added with little additional damage to the species survivability. We have long used the introduction of cold water fish DNA into vegetables to make them more cold resistant and have a greater shelf life: the addition of the Turtles recombinant DNA, with it’s ability to live two hundred years and longer could mean that if that were done in Sharky’s case he’d still be with us, alive, today.
He certainly lives on in popular lore and legend. There are comic books and popular songs written about him nearly every day. As well, several of our major universities now offer classes on the Sharky Ethos, on Sharky in the Heroic Dimension and other interesting topics.
                   There are many among us who feel that if he ever was then by now anyway he’s dead. There are too many stories of his sightings for them all to be true. On the other hand sympathizers and Dolphin rights advocates are said to be surreptitiously arming them by leaving weapons on the shore. This much we know. Someone or something is coming to take the weapons away.
                                       Naturally supporters and believers must maintain a low profile, but all this begs the question which is “Why did he do it?” All the indications are that it was a voluntary decision on the part of the man from Salem. Conservative Christians see a Satanic influence, suggesting witches from a coven that has been located there for hundreds of years and has never been successfully eradicated. 
              In the final analysis all we know is we just don’t know.


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