Thursday, January 17, 2013

project quantum cyclops

-will be shifting gears here  for awhile

          rather then write au public and refuse comment i'll write in a more ordinary, for me style and and comments you have are welcome - for now use the email  kwitzatchhaderatch@gmail. com account
 and when I get a chance   I set something up more convient

Too bad about the chap  from brooklyn   find myself thinking if will blake can et Tom paine out of england then we should be able to do something about  extraordinary renditions

                - later    -  a

   Long live the revolution   -Norma Deren

         Several years ago I introduced a hypothesis which has held up fairly well. It suggests that our understanding of the physical world is paralleled by our epistemological   concepts.  So you have the rigid world of Aristotle, and the Gods, - then in the time of Locke we understand how "Truth"  could be shaped by the means of perception  - the tabula Rosa,  which in turn could be compared to the gravitational constant of Newton.
       In 1905 Einstein suggested that  both perceived and perceive r were in flux and this soon led to the suggestion that we could know either location or direction, but not both.

        Quantum information theory is a strange bird indeed, as anyone with the slightest knowledge of it will testify.

        It is as if by transmitting one letter of the alphabet we would be able to convey an encyclopedias worth of information.

         The problem, which I make no claim to be able to solve, is how to find the correct original unit out of a near infinite number of possibilities, or perhaps an infinite number of possibilities.

           As it stands however such challenges need not be undertaken if world domination is our simple goal. 

       Here's the kicker  - as technology amplifies the data field it consequently simplifies the amount of information needed to be transmitted in order to effect a response, in particular from the human population.  In other words  in dealing with a school of fish or a floock of birds in flight you no longer have to convince each one of them oof the direction you want them to go. All you have to do is "convince" the point bird.

       To draw the quantum analogy further consider a wall of doors. Each of the hundreds of doors has a number on it.  You wish to convey a great deal ofinformation but your means of doing so is limited.  What you do is tell the bird the right door to open - so it only need to know one thing even as it provides the receiver with a wealth of info.

     The problem facing mankind today is just this. IT is a two pronged sword.We control the masses by controlling the lead birds in the flocking behavior; behavior which has been made possible by the uinbiquitous presense of media.  And in turn we control any contrary messages  by arresting people in extreme cases - but ignorance has a subtler and vastly more effective way of advancing it's purposes.

    It simply refuses to admit the validity of anything that opposes it's core principles.  The NRA, which I do not oppose offhand, suggested that the way to prevent mass killing of schoolchildren was to arm five year olds and give them lessons in shooting. They did not understand how  out of place this seemed to be to most people.

     In my own life, in a case that I've seen happen to many others as well, I began as something of a writer researcher  who worked for the government and as I continued learning I became less employable as the years went by. My understanding was not the understanding that gets paid for.  I was not saying what the employers wanted to hear.

      Or consider the case of Reagan. He's a guy, whatever you may think of him that provokes widely varying reactions from the public. some see him as the savior, others as a monster, and It's save to say neither side is being duplicitous.

     The key factor here is that, as in the case of politics and business as well, technology favors market domination, which means it does not tolerate differences of opinion  - the gun and the bow and arrow may coexist for awhile- but not for long.

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