Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Amazing Neo Donut Machine

The Amazing Donut Machine

All your great desires are but monstrosities                                                                                                               And all your wildest fires trivialities 
Somehow the following seems appropriate in a refractory canonical dialectic way.
 The mystic core is humorous unless it reveals itself
Next is the religious ethos, which is serious until the mirror breaks
After that is sitcom mentality   which laughs everything off
Finally there is dementia or the endless controversialist
The four components of being are present in all of us all of the time, along with their opposites

WE have already established myth as a link between the real world of  and the idealized world, which is either distant or yet to be. It also serves a function something like humor in that it allows us to contemplate the   effect of possible realities without  actually paying the cost.

      The Great Game
  Is very much dreamlike, The technostate pretends it loves us and we pretend we believe them.
All characterization, be they laws or mere pronouncements – are illusion  Meant to further the cause of one side or the other. 

                    It’s general accepted that the beverage of choice among computer hobbyist’s is coffee- and the stronger the better. Premium brews are often sought out   and   small glasses of espresso mixed with regular coffee to make caffeine “boilermakers”.  (This is not an informative article but for the record the strongest cup of coffee is the Havana brand you can get on 9th street and 54th in Manhattan. The best coffee on earth is from the Blue mountains of Jamaica.)
         But we concern ourselves not with transient reality, rather with eternal myth.  During the last depression coffee  naturally rose to prominence as “The five cent meal” Down and outers spent hours in automats nursing that cuppa coffee and Irving Berlin, chronicler of the era stated                                           “Mr Herbert Hoover says that nows the time to buy                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            so lets have another cup of coffee and let’s have another piece of pie”
                  Especially when the world has gone to he’ll the myth may be the only reality capable of sustaining us. Among  gearhead the legendary GTO’s and Shelby Cobras’s live on in song and dream even though their four hundred horsepower engines are long gone.

              The number of economic tragedies made possible by the coming  of the technostate has never been counted. Note don’t take what I say as gospel I make no claims etc, but apparently a few years back  someone realized that Dunken donuts was undervalued – in part because donuts are a “must have” food. Late at night, early tin the morning.  So they did an LBO. Note not to be rude but if you don’t understand the mechanics of this little financial instrument , get off the website, in fact  I prefer readers with at least several graduate degrees and six figure income otherwise it doesn’t pay for me to dumb down  and lose the important readers.
           I probably should have said this long ago.
           What few care to be aware of is that sixty years ago everyone dunked their donuts.  Today it would be consider the sign of a boor; a person of poor taste, especially when the brown fluid dripped down the front  of one’s shirt.   One’s style of dunkin was considered indicative of one’s social class.   The elite dunked with two fingers extended, the hoi polloi slurped.
           Essentially no one has dunked a donut in a long time, but we have not noticed – and that tell’s you something. In legals terms it’s called good will and it often accrues to a specific locale  and workforce   - that it could match up brand is less to expected.
               I think I’ll stop here.

Ps    I wasn’t one of those completely enamored of Steve Jobs. There had been cases where really creative people were let go – but what happened to him when he was fired was a modern tragedy.    I trust you are aware that within five years the company was on the verge of bankruptcy .  This because the stockholders wanted more money out of the firm.      What the hell did they do to deserve more?
            As I say, it was a tragedy and now Steve’s gone and once again the   stock has plummeted.
    I remember in the days of the bogus leaders of Apple I was one of the die hards because  I had grown up with the product. Then the CPU and OSX scandals happened  - which could have been handled in such a way as to not make the Motorola cpu obsolete over night – but always theres that underlying motive and that little bit of chiseling  was  enough to push me to invest  in windows.

         What can you say. Fresh I out college I was commissioned todo a report   for the Criminal Justice dept about hand guns . Here’s an issue where both cops and liberals agree. I did everything on a strictly factual basis and came up with the same results as always and the pols took the report and threw it away – because it did not say what they wanted it to say
   So now you can buy a cup of coffee and muffin and get a dollars change from a five dollar bill

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