Friday, April 19, 2013

Wooden Dragons

                   “But Don Quixote   - you are seeing things!       Sancho Panza

                 I glad to see that I no longer have to resort to hyperbole to describe this web site a as the most important on the world wide web. What others speak of will effect some, or many of you – what I speak of will effect some, and is,  effecting, all of you.
                Let me speak briefly aside for a moment however, in lieu of greater credentials.  The mere fact  that Miquel De Cervantes  was able to create  such a complex and multifaceted  work  as the story of the Misfit don Quixote ought, in a sane world, have proven to someone that here was a man of some intelligence.   It did not, as his near contemporary Machiavelli  might have commented, the world is divided into not only the prince and the commoner,  but those  of ill intent as well as good.  Not that I would complain of being hounded,  it’s nice to be loved, but it’s nice to be treated fairly  and the powerful of our world often cannot resist a little exploitation here and there.
                  But of course the kicker for me is that  the Don may have lost the  battle but he certainly won the war  and I hope and trust someday some victory as was and is his shall grant wings to my efforts as well.  Even more then that it   is my prayer that such thoughts as awaken in you may preserve you and your loved ones in the insanity .

                The term   technology has to be given a wider definition then most contemporary usage.  We uses it tin the original Greek sense of technos – which is roughly, “the means by which things are made.”  As such one the first tecknos was the  creation of cities.
               The discovery of the subconscious  as rarely given the import it deserves, but never  the less  we have to communicated n the conscious world.
                 In this long saga the fifteenth century is  notable for the discovery of cannon balls, which ended the rule of castles and hence the middle ages, and at the same time the advent of capitalism in Italy, which allowed for long voyages of explorations sn colonial   expansion.  What I just said is nothing new. I wouldn’t even mention it  except for the fact that Cervantes uses the Dragon, subtly as a symbol.
                The repeat a long stated premise the dragon is the life force, to some extent it is civilization, but more properly it is a symbol of the dross seeking the empyrean ,of it’s own accord.  Like many element symbols the dragon is so complete in it’s psychic emphasis   that it’s difficult to think of many other things to say about it.   Immediately one calls to mind Fraziers work, “The golden Bough”   which at times reads like a phone book.  The symbolic behaviors are widespread but they are not very complicated.
             Speaking to circumstances we currently face I am not beholden to any one approach. I’m neither a survivalist nor a utopian..Let’s just say the opportunities before, in particular in terms o maniulain of human genosph0es are larger then they have ever been, and it is no time for hubris.
          I’d go so far as to say that these writings are informed by such Science Fictions stories as Logans Run, and Thx-1138.    To put it bluntly I do not think this is a friendly world  and what is more, without som sort of ethic compass the opportunity  for missteps grows larger.
             Has the world ever been friendly though?
             What need mentioning however is that Cervantes saw “el monstre”, the dragon    as  a windmill, exactly analogous to   Blakes Dark Satanic mills.  The irony is that superficially at least the dragon of
Quixotes world was the Catholic Church.
                  I don’t kid myself . Virtually no one today  understands what I am talking about.   What is critical to know is that I am no genius per se.  in there words the walls holding you back from understanding what I say are not   high not wide  - you simple cannot perceive them in the way humanity has always  been held back by delusions, and not only religious delusions.
                                      Too explain, in the British industrial revolution no one wanted to hear that air pollution and colonialism were bad – it made people rich, and rich is good and there for anything opposed to that was wrong.   Those who saw other with starved and that tends to silence one's voice.
                                  The same Ferdinand and Isabella who launched Columbus also launched the
Inquisition – in the same year,  1492.  They are merely two sides of the same coin.   
                   If any of us are going to survive   we are going to have to be aware as possible of the actual circumstances in which we live and not be seduced   by the Sirens of technological progress.

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