Sunday, August 18, 2013

postapocalyptic boogaloo

    This is really of limited application but I suppose it must be said.
It concerns the research and theorizing I  engaged upon while in England in the first decade of  this century.  I've noticed that both the Tamlin Legend and the story of the Tuatha de Danaan, two  of the main topics in
years 2000  to 2007   are increasingly being represented on the web.  For the most part they don't se the contemporary applications, but that will come.

    Believe me I am far too practical a chap to suddenly  vere off course, especially from reports of financial markets to ancient keltic mythology. Granted they both communicate in highly metaphorical and often incomprehensible language - but this was not thread that  connected them.

         I did mention some similarities between Nuada  silver hand and the prosthesis possibilities of the future, plus the use of so called smart drugs to alter not so much consciousness, but the intensity of consciousness but this also was not the main deal.

        Historically there is a precedent for this. During the stone ages there were, for a long time about a million people in Europe but during the extremis of the ice ages, when life for humans was difficult that number is believed by some to have gone as low as twenty thousand. 

         Look,I won't kid you -it does not take an apocalyptic scenario to suggest that humanity itself is on the cusp of major changes. Via genetic alteration, via environment changes, even by something as quaint as Kurweils Singularity, when machines are "smarter" then humans, we may suggest that  humanity be governed by demands of   quality not quantity..

        This doesn't need euthanasia to become a reality  - one need only  restrain the ability of the masses to reproduce   freely but getting them focused on other things. 

       I'm not here to fight the future I just want to deal with it. Part of what I am saying is it is possible that future generations will look back at today and consider us barely worth living.   We are talking about
a  physiological leap that will dwarf things like the Renaissance or the introduction of the spoken word.

      One of the parallels I refer to then is the position of the Celts in 400 CE. They had faced the Romans and lost, this is correct, but they had to realize that Christianity really spelled the end of their way of living. The thought full among them, and those in Ireland, did what they could to preserve the old ways - not because human sacrifice was desirable, but because the values   of reason and memory and even love,were.

  I joke I am about 20 years ahead of the crowd which  in a way is good because it proves I'm correct,  mostly. Plus I am not that well versed an anthropologist to embark on any far out speculation.  On the other hand I have a broad enough background to reach conclusitons that specialists might overlook.

      So the kelts began in the region of austria went north and then west. They did this because the invention of marriage, which was a by product of the invention of  agriculture, also meant the coming of the sky god, eg husbands and the death of the mother goddess. 

           Yes dearies I know this is somewhat abstractbut you have to know it to pass the test.

      The refugees you see believed in marriage as an equal partnership whereas the greeks - the romans and everyone else believed the women were chattel.  Eventually we won. Our way of life conquered the world. you don't see wall streeters wearing kimonos do you?

       But this is a huge battle - a scope of thousands of years and it is still going on  ultimately the poles are justice and love  which are opposites.

         Don't kid yourself Justice is tricky.     right so   I was sort of a first mover on this - my site is no longer ranked high on google because a lot of  other people, mostly white celts, have heard of Tamlin  and although they don't fully  understand  something is pulling them, just like it pulled me, to explore.  For the record there is a slight tinge of racism to this whole  swords and sorcery movement

           And now the story of the migration is getting out.  Alot of times they miss whole sections or skip important points but that too will change.  Also a lot of  these new devotees after all have only the net to learn from and have not the years and opportunity to visit the original sites that I had to spare.

     A  final point today is a few weeks back I  mentioned the Mystery Cults of Rome and compared them to new age seekers of today.  There's a long haired black jazz player I know  and I wanted to tell him  - "This is
not real" - meaning the peace and love crowd is onlyone part of the picture the other side of the coin is the prison system.  What it comes down to is the people and love crowd want stability - they are on top and they want to stay that way.  Again that is not a battle for us to fight.

        Never let your enemy define you. You are better then that because you have to be.

         In the mean time  - hail Sedona.

    In other words we are not looking to take over the world  -  we are looking to find a way to prevent the world from taking over us.

         This is a critical distinction.

      The Christians defeated the Romans because they  did not want to fight them - they only wanted to live a new way. There are others further along the path then I am, but it is a path, a way.

    they are those who talk about how the perceived mass of the universe is only held toether by forces we cannot perceive and in a sense those forces are indistinguishable from thought

         long live the virtual state
                                -Norma Deren


          yeah and tippicanoe too   
                                   The  ALF


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