Saturday, August 31, 2013

unibursal Pabadeesa


        You know I don’t like being a thief and a crimbinal and pyrite all these years and I  wusched I could better make it one. So I am thinking  on the obvious fo awhile now and I b’lieve I have come up with Project UP – that is the Universal Pamacea guaranteed to solve all our problems and then some.
         As I understand it there’s tens of millions of men who growed up with roof over their head and food on the table and some even took vacations and had families to occupy their spare time with. Mostly they got the roof and grits but the other stuff is further and farther betwixt.
           You ask them is this bothers them and they say “No, I’m keeping busy and something’s bound to turnup.”  What do you expect? “Sure it bothers me and I got a 12 gauge under the bed in  case it really bothers me.”
              That’s problem number one.
                Problem number two, which we are all intimately acquainted with is people who spend too much time online and especially appropriating the legally owned property of other law abiding, hard working, tax paying and property owning citizens.

        Dudn’t no one see the connection?

It’s very simple  - give me a job that pays 80 thou
A year and I won’t have the time to spend all day downloading stuff -  I may even pay for it with my new found wealth.

    Changing the focus. I used to write a blog which eventually gravitated to the business of the companies that controlled multimedia on the web. This was late 9
1990’s.  And I got totally pissed because a lot of people
Had gotten into the field and the major companies, rather then allow them to enter the market place dragged their heels and basically sabotaged it.
            The result was the crash of 2000. There have been so many crashes we can’t keep them straight but rest assured – after each crash we come back a little weaker then we went in.
               I don’t want to blow anyones mind but the piracy thing could have been stopped years ago – just make a product too large to be downloaded – suffice to say I didn’t want to give the creeps any ideas because they have a knack for taking good ideas and turning them into shit.
          Okay so that was year 2000 – but the idea of deliberately impeding technology to maximize profit continues till today – and frankly it’s a drag.

State of the art – thirty years ago

 This is the famous amorphic wall as in Bill Gates house .  It’s been around for ages, since the 80’s.
         If you look at Firefox the add ons and such are impressive which is the way things should be but aren’t because Firefox is open source.
         I’m not a developer  far from it. But when the first mp3  apps came out, like macamp and winamp part of the
Coolness was being able to chose between many  skins – all made by outsiders and free.   Now look at I-tunes – I
 never cared for it. And worse yet as they developed I-tunes they started stripping down the original QT player so to get a playlist for example you must use I-tunes  which is bloatware and non skinable.
       The reason Apple has become a dirty word among developers (this is old news) is first they moved to OSX  and removed classic capability soon after which mean that all the little guys in basements who had spent ten years on their product were effectively fucked.  The big companies in comparison could upgrade quite easily – and at a tidy profit.  Then to add insult to injury the move from PPC to intell meant another tranche of software became obsolete.
           It wasn’t that OSX and Intell cpus were bad ideas, it’s just they left a lot of people behind – people that  like those laid off in their fifties – are never going to catch up.
          It’s all ancient history now  and I mention it not to diss Apple so much as to suggest that there’s a much better way to do things and what is more you don’t have to live on bread and water to do it. 
         I happened to make a few people rather well to do when I told them to buy Apple at it’s low point, because I go with management and especially in tech industries that’s the way to bet. But now?  We shall see, won’t we?

      Nevertheless the lesson to be learned, which is that a closed system dedicated to personal profit cannot compete with an open system which spreads the profit around has already been learned, many times.  That systems dedicated to the good of the few have existed is not news either.  The thing is such systems have to be held in place by procedures that we generally think of as repressive, if not brutal, or even  genocidal.
          In reality most systems are somewhere in the middle and I am not about to be the one who decides what kind of regime you or I function under.  I will o so far however as to point out that we must not delude ourselves into believing that it is in the interest of those in the upper hierarchy to encourage innovation if such changes will remove them from power.
      It is not going to happen regardless of the constant misinformation campaign seeking to convince us that it will.  However to quote someone,”If you keep going in a circle eventually you wind up where you started.”
        And sometimes it’s a mobius transformation.  That is when the revolutionary becomes the opposide side of what they believed they were fighting for – a tyrant.

               I have thought long and carefully about Marx’s declaration that one of the most effective ways to destroy capitalism is to give it everything it wants.  This is not that far from the suggestion that the last capitalist will be hung on a rope he just sold. 
         We have seen the practical application in the past forty years. When all regulations were removed the problem was not limitless power but instability. (Suffice to say, the dirty little secret of Wall Street is one mans instability is anothers opportunity.)
         Riding a bicycle is comparatively simple, but try doing it when after a night of drinking and it becomes impossible.
         Again,  this time to refer to Darwin’s suggestion that without private property the natives of Tierra del Fuego were doomed. These were people that lived on the southern most tip of  South America in a primitive state. They now are extinct.
          So we say, “Information wants to be free.” Right? That is the mantra of the basically good guys.  We do not wish to see the goddess opportunity chained in some dungeon at the command of the horrible beast from Redmond, for instance. Nor do we want the best things in life to only go to the few. 
       Still private property, for better or worse, is one of the realities of our world.  There are many of us who, for a variety of reasons, jealousy perhaps   or love of freedom want to preserve or in some cases create individual freedom.  We like it. A surprising number of people don’t understand this  but it has to be taken, as Jefferson would say, as self evident.  The freedom to walk across a field conflicts with the owners property prerogatives – so there’s a conflict inherent here.
     Here we go through the looking glass.

    In the real world the case for open source software – for instance- or free content file sharing  has been made. The open source software advocates  have a very powerful argument that their products have consistently proven better then the corporate ones.  If that doesn’t convince you I can give you an even more convincing argument. War.
         Wars are almost always  won by the sides that work together of their own free will and are not forced to do things by paymasters. I doubt one could find a more crucial application of business necessity.
                     So why isn’t open source the norm?   For the same reason CEO’s make hundreds of times more then line workers – because among other things, in the absence of war the necessity of justice is not appreciated or considered.
     That’s where we come in.  It is our job to make people appreciate not the desirability but the absolute necessity of justice – economic justice.
    We have waited many years and we may yet wait many years more, but our  day will come and our vision will persevere .
      To sum up then. Theres the lord of the manor, initially all powerful.   Theres the serfs, the microserfs  if you will, and there will be a union, or guild, call it what you will. But I have had my head handed to me enough times to know that we must become aware of and adopt the strategies of the opponent.
         I feel like L Ron Hubbard in a way when he talks about the powers needed for survival. We must learn from the masters – the corporations. We must learn to emulate their lies, to intimidate the weak and  deceive the powerful.  If god isn’t on our side we can make a deal, Make God a deal he can’t refuse.  Choose the battle well, like Alexander don’t fight unless victory is probable. 
         These are the maxims of the cold war – of the new cold war that is being waged within the walls of the empires.
           If this repels you. If the knowledge that you are above the hunt and degrading opportunity then you are free to do what you want.
          Of course there will be doubt.  When the Muslims invaded Spain under the flag of God there were those who could not see why they should fight.  In truth, in those days especially Islam was probably a more open ideology the Christianity.
          As a young boy  I would sit at the feet of men who had fought in the second world war. These were no armchair heroes flattering fools, they were people who had seen  war upfront. And they said “There were bad things done on all sides.” 
       I never discovered exactly what these bad things were but one can guess.
      Fortunately in this new game such violence is counter productive and ironically we must guard against the accusation that it is in our interest to use it.

      -  back to the normative essay     

        My orientation has changed a little. I used to think of the virtual state as a way of circumventing the current power structures and in part without getting them mad at us.  Another way to look at it is to try to imagine the freedoms we currently grant to corporations – to circumvent national laws, regulation and taxes – being given to  if not to individuals, then smaller corporations.

          I don’t need a fuckin miracle.  I’m prepared to keep refining the concept until it works  because I have nothing better to do. Also I want to avoid the trap of thinking that one person can make a difference. In other words it’s not a matter of one person inventing the wheel it’s a matter of the wheel waiting to be discovered.
              That’s a whole nother mind trip – ut maybe if in fact we have regressed to the middle ages economically and socially with the corporations playing the role of the manors and barons we should accept that.
        The difference between CEO’s and line workers in the US has continued to  increase – now it’s over 300%
And I don’t see any corrective mechanism for that
         It’s like with Obama, who I don’t particularly dislike – unlike his predecessors, but  as   Naomi Klein has noted  - “Where’s the policies?” I don’t at this point care why I’m just dealing with what is.
            Fuck. Maybe humans just like being slaves. They seem to revert to it time and time again – but to get back to the middle ages analogy  what we want to do is the equivalent of making buildings- it’s a task that requires a lot of different skills – but not too different.
         The actual masons , who were formed as a response to the nobility are still around, actually tat group is kinda set in it’s ways and has a protestant orientation. FWIW – In MA Bell the Masons had a lot of power to promote  and as in many of these cases with organizations it was also used to obstruct persons deemed not team players.
          Don’t let this fuck you up but a lot of players in NYC meet through their dealers, heroin dealers. It’s an exclusive club and everyone is sure to be discrete. Like I say lets be honest a lot of players are or were junkies at some point. It’s not my thing but I have worked with them and let’s just say they are not always reliable.
          Then in TV there’s the gay mafia, again like junkies, these guys and girls, in the past especially are exceptionally discrete, employing “beards” ( hetero role playing partners) and you can’t blame them because in many cases it’s hideaway your real self or starve.
          And we all do it to some extent. And it’s not entirely a lie.  A guy says he’s in the field for the love of music and not just to make money, despite the fact that he seems to do everything possible to make money,  we really don’t  have the right to throw stones.

     I saw the phil spector movie recently. Phil was an early hero. David Mamet wrote and directed and apparently made the case that Phil was innocent of killing the girl. But Phil was his own worst enemy.
For a long time he has come off as crazy as a loon.
I don’t know what the story is there. He made some damn good records.

          I realize I’m changing the subject and this “essay” is wandering all over the place. So to wrap it up and put it together what I am saying is that artists have to learn to act like businessmen – instead of being repelled by the three piece suits.

          I realize I’m changing the subject and this “essay” is wandering all over the place (as usual). So to wrap it up and put it together what I am saying is that artists have to learn to act like businessmen – instead of being repelled by the three piece suits.

    It's almost counter intuitive, which may be why it's not often tried.   It's like injecting order into chaos in order not to lessen it but rather to increase it. 

  My first thought is to think of the famous universal syllogism.
"First there is a mountain
 Then there is no mountain
Then there is"

or the zen version

before satori one chops wood and carries water
   then one does not chop wood or carry water
   after satori one chops wood and carries water"

Then, of course, I could put on my tough guy hat and read the riot act. For instance one could inform the capital markets that they had better make nice with the workers or they will face consequences that they will find far less comfortable then the alternative.

To put this in the medieval terms "Either pay the bricklayers a decent wage or you will have no cathedral - and we all know what happens to cities with no cathedral  - that's right, they go to hell and burn forever." 

           Woody Guthrie one time in the fifties got talked into trying out in the Rainbow Room which is a restaurant at the top of the NBC building/Rockefeller center.    And so he gets there and rides the elevator up.  Steps out, looks around for ten minutes and gets back on the elevator.  He just didn’t want to do it. It wasn’t for him.

         Can you imagine some “suit”  saying “What’s this talking blues thing? Where’s the melody?”



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