Friday, October 7, 2011

A sacred duty


Ostrich Patty

Goat Shank Salad

Assorted sweetmeats

      Well, it's nice to be back on the boards again but I'm going to have to do some work figuring out how I want to format things.

      If you recall the traditional SLAWG File that we developed over several websites and fifteen years was basically a simple table of contents. That way you could access a great deal of content and we still had the option of  having something the visitor could not avoid seeing.  It's trivial though.

     As far as the color scheme goes (Black) we may stay with it. This is the third color scheme we've used. First was what I like to call Warner Bros Green. It was that green that Warner Bros records used in their hey day of 1965 -75. It had kind of a military connotation. Green is considered unlucky in some parts of the Orient, but then again to me Green signifies the forest and a pine forest is definitely lucky.
       The next color was the red of dried blood - red ochre. This is the color that was used to paint human corpses for thousands of years in the prehistorical eras. It is considered a life color.
        Suffice to say there's no way we'd use Microsoft or Apple Blue. Blue is the worlds most popular color but it's like using hot oil  or cocaine for sex. It makes things too easy and in the long run that comes back to haunt you.

          This is the Tamlinmediaco V3 and in the first two versions, which include hundreds of pages, it's a little known thing but there is only one black page.  It's the scene where ALF is in a coma and Norma's father sacrifices his life so that ALF may live. At the top of the page is an early black and white photograph of swans in  what was then known as "The Central Park" taken in NYC in 1863 during the Civil War.

        In any event, as indicated, I'm not comfortable with having everything on one page.  Our basic tenants remain.  This is not a blog in the sense of a diary, since I just don't feel it is appropriate for me to  take up your time by telling you what I had for lunch. As well, as much as possible we try to avoid covering material that is available other places. That is of course, strictly speaking, impossible, but what we can do is fit the observations into greater contexts.

      I'm not, for instance, a big fan of presumed objectivity. If you look at "automatic writing", or stream of consciousness, you realize that, as in the case of the rantings of a schizophrenic there is always some bias, or to use the correct word, apprehension there, no matter how deeply masked it may be. Apprehension here means not so much concern or fear, but apprehension in the sense of awareness. In other words when we apprehend something we perceive it but we don't, at that stage at least. yet know what we think of it. It is perception without, or prior to, comprehension.

            Artists go though this all the time. A poet (Robert Browning)  once said, "When I wrote the poem it was between me and God to know, and now  God only knows what it means."  Actually usually its the reverse. What we create as incomprehensible often reveals itself as quite logical and determined by circumstances, over the course of time.

           ""You show me where I man gits his grits from
             and I'll tell you his 'pinions." - Sam Clemens

       The immediate problem that arises then is that we come up against people who insist that  *they* are being objective whereas *we* are slanting things to our own ends. This then justifies them, in their minds, using extraordinary means to enforce their will, which they, again insist is the will of the opened, enlightened, objective, mind.

       In some cases they may be correct. They may be, like parents, more objective or to use the vulgate, "smarter."  But I must, above all things, protect the ALF. It is my honor bound duty.  Because the singularity is coming and when it comes all  that is, the immensity, all being, will cease to be. The world as we know it will end and what will replace it, if anything we do not know and we cannot know, by definition. The only thing that will survive is the ALF and it will, or can do so, because it is not human.

      When that happens it will be only the efforts of the ALF that remain to speak to our successors and tell them what once we were. Even these things will be known only to those who understand these words, as Taliesen the first would say, "In their correct meaning."

        I am half human and half ELF and thus must die, but that doesn't matter. None who read these words will escape my fate as well. Yet I recall a moment, many years ago, when the ALF was being hunted. He took the form of a stag and was struck by an arrow which wounded him and it nearly killed him.

        At the time, in that dark hour, it became evident that the humans would, in their ignorance and in subjection to the evil they think they control, but which actually controls them, kill this innocent creature from another planet and in doing so seal their own fate for all time. But he did not die.

       So it is we say. "There may be a day when the ALF is finally brought low, but not today."




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