Monday, October 3, 2011

this is it

nuttin knew yit  - the markets down. the greeks are not putting out, it's a raining the emperor tells us there's too many  notes in the pieces and have you seen a bowline?   looks like wheeze back but doncha bull leave every ding you here?
              obliviously it will require some timezomes to axes on line and acquire me not my liddle darklin, but that said will as always remain your umble serve ant/uncle  ___ALF

         Actually ALF is kidding. There's no guitars today, but we'll see what we can do. Am just writing to fill up space here incase anyone seaches for Tamlinmediaco,  The ALF  Tamlin  or Kwitzatchhaderatch - I won't leave you hanging but it's been awhile since  we've had a web presence and to say the last two years have been eventful is an understatement.
          That said as you may know - our web site is radically different from most in that we were around for many years prior to the internet and probably will be around for many years after the internet has collapsed into electrons and photons.
               Also as well we are different because we have a product and am not marketeers  or how too or information in any form but end product. This means we are special. It means, as Mick J said in  PErformance - why you gentle men you all work for me - and that's the proverbial bottom line.
but let us not be harsh on this semi joyous occasion - we accept both failure and success with equal grace - I hope - since one has so little control over it all .


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